Sunday, September 16, 2012

Bluetooth Power Strip

OK, I have being working with RN-42 to do a Bluetooth Power Strip. I have seeing online that people have done it and it is not that difficult of course if using a Bluetooth Module like the RN-42. All you need is a Microcontroller and a Bluetooth chip. I will also include a timer. This timer will be base on microcontroller timer to turn the output of the power strip ON/OFF, which of course is just a relay. So I just have to work on making a timer with the microcontroller and then I will have to write code on the phone to pass the timer that I want to put to a specific output.

PHONE PART: I will be writing code for Android to send signal to the RN-42. I will also make the phone interface send a value of 1, 2, 3, etc... So I will use this for the timer, so if I send a 1, then it will do a 1 hour timer. If I send a 2 over it will do a 2 hour timer, which will turn off the output socket that you have pick.

RN-42 and PIC16F1823: The RN-42 does all the Bluetooth Communication for you and the Microcontroller will just receive the 1, 2, 3 from the RN-42. So I will do a timer for the PIC16F1823. Another option that I will do is add a separate timer chip so I get accurate timing, because If I use the timer from the PIC itself, it will not be that reliable.

Output Socket: Well, here it is just using a relay to pass the AC voltage coming in to the specific socket. Just make sure the rating for the relay is acceptable for what you will put there.